
Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’

I found this website through my awesome Twitter connections.  I have pasted his article below and his website.  I was really moved by this as I personally feel this way.  If you fail, try again; don’t be afraid to make a mistake. 

As a Girl Scout Leader, I teach the Girls from their mistakes that they can learn how to do it the next time better.  It matters not if it is camping or planning a trip; each time you can improve.

This is also an applicable philosphy in Business and Social Media.  As a Virtual Assistant, I am learning that maybe it’s better to post something and it not ‘be perfect’ than not to try.  I have been lucky enough to have friends and collegues that have advised me and encouraged me.  Then I get better at it from learning from them.  You just have to keep trying.

What do you think?  What is your idea of perserverance?

Great Website

NapoleonHillI think that everyone in their life fails at something. It is what we do after we fail that determines where we will end up in life. The truth of the matter is that we have all been conditioned to view failure as a bad thing. In reality, failure is nothing but a question. The question is, “Do I want this enough to try again?” We need to embrace failure. We should view it as a gauge that lets us know if we are ready to win. I promise you that at the end of every failing streak, there arises a winner, and once you become that winner, you will never change back. If you want your goal enough, just don’t give up and it will come to you.

Ask yourself this question, “how many times am I willing to try before I give up?” If you answer this question with a number, you will never reach your goal.

“Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times.”Napoleon Hill

I think this is a Great One  “From Middle Class to Millionaire”

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Really – I’ve now had so many people ask me – So,  just what does a Virtual Assistant do ??

“Starting a home business sounds like a terrific idea, until you realize all that’s involved in getting it up and running. So getting some assistance really helps–especially if it doesn’t cost a lot of money.” – Washington Post

Yes, there is all that pesky paperwork that is involved in being a business owner, but being a Virtual Assistant (VA) is more than virtual paperwork.  As I have begun to learn,  from one whom I consider to be the very best at this VA stuff, Kim Wesley, of TKM Virtual Services, being a VA is so much More

Ok, so maybe I am making a huge leap here as I’m very new and in training ,  But,  if I may,  from all the many articles I’ve read, my own experience, my social media accounts, from books and from many VAs blogs, here is what I think a VA does. 

A VA helps clients to handle their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and their emails.  A VA also can help to establish, maintain and give reports on your business clients; creating a database from business contacts and social networking events.  A good VA will then use these to continue your online presence for your company.  (more…)

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